Friday, August 1, 2008

Settling In Slowly in Kansas

Finally a post, right? Where do I begin??? First, I will say thanks to my hubby for the previous post. I must admit I have had my frustrations with going through all this as a "single parent" and we have had some "colorful" discussions about things! I appreciate Scott recognizing my efforts throughout this process--this has been the hardest challenge that I have faced yet--previous life as an Air Force officer included! Emma loves to play my computer while Ava is taking a nap, so I hardly have time to post or answer emails--I apologize!!! I have so much to say, but only a little time to share, so here are the high lights:

--Emma has been amazing during the move and is so excited about everything. She loves the new house, neighborhood, church, and soon her new school. She starts school on August 18th--she can't wait!!! She has kept me going when things seem to overwhelming to take.

--Ava has had the worst time adjusting to the move. She has attached more than ever to me, for obvious reasons, I have been the only one here for her. She has endured a move from the orphanage to the hotel in China, one house in Albuquerque for 3 1/2 months, a week in temporary housing in Albuquerque, a week in temporary housing in Wichita, and now 2 weeks in a new house in Wichita. Her sleeping hasn't been good and she is still throwing up at least once a week. I am taking her to our new pediatrician here in Wichita to finally get her some help with her digestion and walking problems. I am so excited to get her some consistent medical care. I have also enrolled her in a Mom's Day Out program on Wednesday mornings so she can be away from me for a few hours and so I can run a few errands on my own. She will start going in September.

--Scott finished his training at Altus 2 weeks early and is now a certified KC-135 Instructor Pilot and the new Director of Operations for the 349th Air Refueling Squadron. He completed his check ride on Friday and reported to work in the squadron the following Monday--so much for any time off to help me unpack boxes. So far he is enjoying the new job and has already connected with several folks that we were stationed with here in Wichita from 1996-2000.

--As for the house, well, we had planned to paint the wood work and walls ourselves, but there was no way since Scott went straight to work and I can't do it with little people running around. We hired a company to paint and they got started last Wednesday. They started in the basement and are still working down there today. They plan on starting on the upstairs tomorrow or Wednesday. We will live in the basement while they paint the upstairs. The color of woodwork and paint in this house were terrible, so we are basically paying them to paint every inch to include trim, doors, walls, inside closets, etc. They will be in our house every day for at least 2 weeks. With all this going on, we haven't finished unpacking boxes or getting our household in order. What's the point when we'd have to take things out of closets and off the walls to paint! We can't really settle in until they finish the job.

I can't find my camera, so no photos for now--sorry! I must say that we miss everyone in Albuquerque so much. For all my gym rat buddies--I did find a gym, but it doesn't compare to being there with you all in Spin class! I know we will get settled in here eventually and be able to keep you all posted a little more often.



DePonte family said...

Thanks for updating us even in the midst of all that is going on!! We check the blog regularly to check up on our long lost buddies!! We wish we were closer! Congrats to Scott and hang in there!

Rachel said...

Hi Gene,
Thanks for the update! I'm so happy to hear from you. I've been checking regularly. I'm glad to hear you've made it into your new house - I hope hte painting goes smoothly.

I'm sorry to hear Ava is having a tough time with the move. Lily has been having some sleeping issues lately. I hope the pediatrician can give you some answers about her tummy.

Once school starts, lets try to catch up!


Anonymous said...

Hey Gene,
I'm glad to hear that your all getting moved in. I sure hope all is well. Addie says hello to Emma.
Take care and we miss you!

The Callender Family said...

Great to hear from you! Thank you for taking a little time out of your busy schedule to give us some news...

I hope you will be able to get settled quickly and smoothly and that you will find an answer to Ava's 'tummy issues'.

We have been thinking about you a lot and the girls ask about Emma and her little sister quite often.

Good luck in the following weeks. Looking forward to hearing more.

We miss you,

Anne & Co.

Unknown said...

Hi Gene,
It is wonderful to hear how you all are doing!

I sent Emma an email but it came back. Do you have a new one? Here is a new address for me:
I would really like to write Emma!
Ms. Robin