Saturday, December 6, 2008

Children's Christmas Party and Ava's New Love

We had the Operations Group Children's Christmas Party today at the Base Chapel.  I was in charge of the cookie decorating table for our squadron.  Since Scott is gone, I had our baby sitter come with us to watch Ava so I could man the cookie table.  The party was a lot of fun and Emma and Ava thoroughly enjoyed themselves from 8:30 this morning until 1:30 this afternoon!  Santa arrived in a Humvee and Ava's eyes were about to pop out of her head.  This was her first Santa sighting and she was totally hooked from the start.  She was kicking and pushing to make her way to his lap.  Once she was there, she was batting her eyes and smiling away.  She was telling him all about it--whatever it is???  She got very upset when other kids would sit in his lap.  By the end of the party, she and Santa were very good friends.  

Emma enjoyed the treats, crafts, and face painting.  She mostly enjoyed getting to run around with all the other kids her age.  She informed me that the guy in the suit was not the real Santa, so she didn't plan on sitting in his lap.  She did pose for a picture though.


Poppins (AKA Traci) said...


Very nice background. It will not surprise you that it is the very same backgound I switched mine to right after we got home. We are so wierdly connected it's crazy. The pictures were great. I love keeping up with you guys this way. Keep hanging in there!


Reena said...

Hi Gene,

Love the pictures and the story. Ava sounds incredibly cute and the pictures show how cute she is.
Emma is as lovely as ever-- quite the wise one not to be fooled by the 'helper' Santa filling-in for the big guy.

Josie Dong Dong was having nothing to do with sitting in Santa's lap. Maybe next year.

Enjoy the season!

The Callender Family said...

Waouh! I can't believe how big/tall Emma is getting... It is great to see that Ava loved Santa, Claire is still afraid of Santa, St Nicolas or even Disney characters... It is Emilie's first year not being shy and going to all of them to pose.
Hope all is well. Bisous!