Saturday, March 22, 2008

We Made it to Beijing!

Sorry its taken so long to post, but we have been going non-stop since we arrived late on the 20th. We have toured the Summer Palace, Beijing Zoo Panda's, The Temple of Heaven, Acrobatics Show, Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, and The Great Wall of China. We even got to go by the Olympic Stadium and Aquatics Center. We finally had some time tonight to get the computer up and running, but we haven't downloaded any photos yet. We will try and do that tomorrow night. We have been trying the food and learning about the Chinese culture. Emma's favorite event was getting to go to a Tea Room--her new favorite thing is Rose Tea! We have been exhausted by the end of each day, I guess they are preparing us for the exhaustion to come with having new babies!

We will fly from Beijing to Guangzhou tomorrow afternoon and will be there until the 9th of April. We found out today that we will be getting our babies on Monday the 24th at 3:30 in the afternoon. Just hearing our guide tell the group about what to expect was overwhelming, I can imagine what the real deal is going to feel like!

Hope everyone is doing well. We will post pictures soon!


The Callender Family said...

Thanks for the update! Great to hear from you. I have been reading the Stafeil Family Blog. I think their daughter is from the same orphanage as Ava... Did your Mom come as well or just the 3 of you? Enjoy the rest of your trip! Bisous, the Callenders

wendy brooks said...

Hi, my husband and I adopted our daughter from QuJiang in August 2005. I found out about your trip on the QuJiang yahoo group. I love following people's journeys to get their kids! I am very excited for you - tomorrow is going to be a momentous day. Enjoy every moment - I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures! Take care, Wendy in Fredericksburg, VA

The Brown Family said...

We are so happy to hear that all of you made it safely! What a busy time all of you have had already!!! You will be in our prayers as always, especially on "Ava's "Gotcha" day! We cannot wait to see photos!

the Rothrock Family said...

Wow! What a wonderful, joyous "family" trip! Ava is such a beautiful girl (as well as Emma)! Please pass on to Emma that we are so proud of her and she's doing a great job in her new role as big sister. Make sure Ava gets a little geocaching time in China before you come back. Can't wait to see you all next week. Please be safe and God Speed, the Rothrock's