Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Getting on a Schedule

Ava is feeling pretty good today and so far, we think she is going to like her new schedule here at home. She still fusses when we put her down for a nap or bed time, but the crying is getting shorter and we think she is comfortable in her crib now. The crib is still in the guest room next to the bed and Scott and Emma have been sleeping in there just in case she wakes up in the middle of the night. For the past 2 nights, she has slept all night! Emma is keeping Scott up more than Ava! Ava loves to copy everything we do, brushing teeth, combing hair, talking on the phone, getting dressed--she is a sponge! We are so happy she is interested in everything around her--she is going to be a brainiac like her dad and big sister! Here are a few photos from the past few days.


The Callender Family said...

It is great to see that Ava is adapting so well! She definitely seem to love the water! I love the picture of her floating in the water, too cute...
Anne & Co.

Melanie P. said...

Gene, its so great to finally see some pics of Ava and her lovely new family. You all look so cute together. She's a beautiful little girl and she really does favor Scott and Emma!! I hope to see you guys in the neighborhood soon. Melanie Patrick

Reena said...

Hi Gene,

It is great to see Ava in her new home.

I am glad that everyone is doing well. We are all adapting well here in Rhode Island as well.


Paige said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! How awesome is that BIG BIG smile of hers?!?!?! LOVING this blog and missing you all terribly....
xoxo Paige

Rachel said...

Hey Gene,

I'm so glad to see that things are going well and Ava has adjusted to home. I love the laying down in the bath picture! What I wouldn't give to be able to take a picture like that of Lily - I'm not sure its going to every happen! :)


The Callender Family said...

Dear friends,

We just wanted to wish Scott a safe trip. We know Gene will do great with the girls till you are all together again as a family in your new home!
Bisous from sunny Florida!

Anne, Mike, Emilie and Claire