Monday, April 7, 2008

Only One More Night

Well, we have one breakfast voucher left--whoooo hoooooo! We are so ready to come home. Our entire trip to China will total 21 days--too long to be away from home. We are so ready to get home and introduce Ava to her new place--at least for a few months anyway. We are moving to Kansas in June. Poor thing will wonder where to breakfast buffet and nightly trip to the 7-Eleven for ice cream went! That has been the usual routine here on the island. We will probably post one more time from China before we head home. Here are a few photos, because I know you want to see some!!! One photo has our guide Veronica--she has been priceless throughout this trip. She is an amazing person and really the most organized person I've ever met. There is another photo of Ava with the Stafeil's little girl, Lily. She and Ava came from the same orphanage and were crib neighbors. We hope they can stay in touch with each other as they grow up with this common bond.


The Callender Family said...

Dear Friends,

Wish we could be there to welcome you home... :( But we will look forward to meeting Ava and seeing you all again one day! Have a safe trip back home and thank you so much for all the updates!
Big Bisous,
Anne & Co.

The Callender Family said...

By the way, love the picture of the Thatcher family!!!


Amy Cantilina said...

May your trip home go smoothly! I am so thankful that Anne shared your blog with me. When/if you have time upon your return, I would love to hear your thoughts on bringing your older daughter with you to China...we are trying to decide whether our older two will travel when the time comes...

God bless you as you adjust to life back at home with little Ava!


wendy brooks said...

Thank you so much for sharing your trip. I have loved reading your posts and seeing the pictures. I know that Ava is going to thrive in your family - it sounds like she already is! Have a safe trip home. Wendy in Fredericksburg, VA

The Brown Family said...

We are looking forward to meeting the newest Thatcher! Thank you for sharing your trip and adopting experience with our family. Everyone has enjoyed seeing all of your photos and hearing your stories! Have a safe journey home!