Sunday, April 20, 2008

Scott's Last Few Days in Albuquerque

We are all so sad because Daddy is leaving us tomorrow to go to training in Altus, Oklahoma until August. The girls and I will stay here in Albuquerque so Emma can finish school and then we will move to Wichita, Kansas to eventually meet up with daddy. Wichita is Scott's next duty assignment, but he's got to go to KC-135 training before he gets there. He will drive up to Wichita on the weekends to find us a house and then the girls and I will move there sometime mid to late June. Altus, Oklahoma is only a 4 1/2 hour drive from Wichita, so he can come and see us on the weekends once we get moved into the house there. Unfortunately, Albuquerque is almost 8 hours away, so we will not get to see him unless he gets a long weekend off.

We had a great weekend, minus me being sick with sore throat and congestion and now Emma is getting it :(. Scott got his things together to leave, Emma and I entertained Ava so she would stay out of the way, and on Sunday we took Emma to a classmates birthday party. It was a great party at a hair salon--all the girls got up-do's and nails done--too cute!

I must tell you all how awesome Scott has been with Ava and getting her acclimated here at home. He has made it his quest to get her sleeping in her own crib, minding her manners, and learning to play a little on her own so she will not drive mommy nuts when he leaves :). Scott has more patience than I will ever have, so I am going to strive to be more like him for Ava's sake! Those of you who know Scott, know how "ate up" he is about his Air Force work, geocaching, sleep, "masters of the obvious" who drive him crazy, and his gadgets. That being said, he is so relaxed with Ava and I am amazed how he has made it his mission to get this little girl adjusted in just a week here at home. He has been so stressed about leaving us here for his training and has not rested since we've been home from China. I am so proud of him for being such a great person, husband, and most of all father. Emma and Ava are so lucky to have him for their dad. I know he will always be there for them no matter what. The last photo is Ava thinking that "rats" I don't want daddy to leave!


The Callender Family said...

I remember that salon... Emilie got her braids done there for her bday last year! THat looks like it was a lot of fun. Haven't found a place like that here...
You girls will do great and we pray that time flies by quickly before you get to be together again!
Scott, heads up to you as well as Gene and Emma for being the perfect, loving, caring family that Ava needed (and still needs)...
Bisous to the 4 of you,

The Callender Family said...

I meant 'thumbs up' to all of you :-)
You know those 'foreign people' sometimes get mixed up...

Paige said...

Oh my gawd...those curls!! I know Emma was in HEAVEN (even her tomboy-heart still beats girly-girl true, I think!) And the photo of Ava...that crooked smile just melts my heart. *reaches towards the screen* I know today had to be a hard one on all of you for so many reasons...please know we are here for you, ALWAYS! Before you know it, it will be time to start packing and hitting the road for another adventure. Hope you are heading into a calm evening and are feeling better. Love to Scott when you talk to him! Love to you and The Girls, too, of course.
xoxo Paige

Brad said...

Gene So sorry to finally catch up on your blog and learn that Ava has been so sick. Glad that she is better and sleeping better too. Audrey hates the crib and sleeping and is there for the 1st time tonight! So I understand. Plus had a double ear infection when we got home--probably had it a long time. Hang in there--Welcome to Oklahoma Scott--would love to see you guys sometime. Email me and I will send my phone Your photos are great!

The Callender Family said...

Hi Gene
I had to share this with you. I picked up the girls from school today and Emilie said and I quote "I want Emma to come to my birthday. Emma is a most special person in the world. When is she coming to FL?". I told her she was in school and then would have to help you move to Wichita, KS. She then started to cry "I want Emma. I want Emma. She can't go to that state, she needs to come to FL. She is my friend. I miss her. Why does she need to go to another state?..."
I am really surprised to still see her so attached to Emma after nearly a year away from you guys. I guess she was (and is) her first 'real' friend.
I hope all is well in NM!