Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tough Times at the Thatcher Household

Ava is giving us a run for our money around here. Bless her heart, she has been so congested, throwing up quite a bit, and not sleeping at all. We took her to the urgent care clinic yesterday afternoon and the doctor said to put her on antibiotics for her sinuses, tylenol and motrin for pain, and benedryl for helping her sleep and to dry up her nose a little. We were both trying to stay up and help each other clean up puke and play with Ava while she was wide awake at all hours. She screams and screams if we put her in her crib to go to sleep. She will not take a nap either. She was so mad yesterday that she climbed out of her crib! What do we do now? She is so strong in her upper body, that she just pulled herself up and over--unbelievable how strong she is. I think she will definitely be a gymnast or swimmer! Right now we feel like she is practicing to be one of the women of the WWE! We don't know if her illness is causing her insomnia or if the jet lag is still affecting her. We don't know how this little 21 lb. kid can operate on no sleep. I suppose her adrenaline from being in a new place with strange people just keeps her going. What a survivor she is--she has had to be. She had no one to get her through the tough times until now and she is fighting hard to survive, but doesn't realize yet that she can trust us to never let her down.

Scott has been pulling the "night shift" so I can get some sleep before he leaves for training a week from tomorrow. Last night, she went to bed at 9:00 and woke up at 11:30--I think she must of taken a nap. Breaking news, okay, Scott just came in to tell me that she actually fell back asleep at 11:30 and is still asleep!!! This is huge, the benedryl must have worked or she is just too exhausted to put up a fight any more. Maybe she can get on a schedule soon! I will not get too excited until I see a trend, but we will definitely celebrate more than 2 hours of sleep at a time!

We have received so many welcome home calls and emails from you all--THANK YOU! Sorry we haven't been responding much--I will try and do better when the sickness is over and sleep is abundant!!! Thanks also again for all the food and support from everyone!!!

Just one comment about Emma--she is the best and I mean the best ever! I can't tell you how much I love this little girl for being who she is. I am so proud of her character and heart. I know Ava will grow up to look up to her and I am so excited about their relationship with each other. They are doing great and Ava is warming up to Emma more and more each day.


The Callender Family said...

I am so sorry to hear bout Ava being sick and not able to sleep. I know what it's like to have kids climb out of their cribs and be up every night :) The girls are now doing much better (even if we still do get visitors every now and then) but I do remember sleepless nights... Especially with the jet lag when we go back to Belgium.
I hope you all get some sleep soon and that Ava feels better.
I had no doubt Emma would be a great helper/big sister!

Big Bisous to the 4 of you!

Anne & Co.

Rachel said...

I'm so sorry that Ava is so sick! Poor thing - I hope the antibiotics kick in and she's feeling naughty again soon! :)

Lily also showed us she can climb out of a crib, not that we've tried to have her sleep there yet!

Tell Emma we think she's awesome!

I hope things settle down soon.


Judi said...

Jet lag and illness - UGH! I feel for you. Hopefully the antibios are kicking in and the other meds are knocking her out during nighttime hours. Expect insanity for 10-14 days. Hang in there; everyday it will get a bit better.

Anonymous said...

Poor little thing and poor mom and dad. So sorry that Ava is having such a hard time and our thoughts and prayers are with all of you that she feels better soon.

Rachel's mom