Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Red Couch and Group Photo

For those of you who have not adopted from China before, when you stay at the White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou, you must have your baby's picture made on the famous red couch. We have 11 babies in our group and they all got dressed up to have their photos taken on the red couch. We thought Ava would run away as soon as we sat her down, but she just sat still looking around at all the screaming babies beside her. She stayed put until we came and got her off the couch! We all said, "What just happened and whose baby is that?" Yes, she is ready to jump up and explore most of the time. Please enjoy the photos of our most patient Ava and the rest of our group. She is in the top row, middle of the pack, dressed in dark pink.


Heather said...

I wanted to say hello and introduce name is Heather and I live in ABQ. I just returned from China on Mar 20, with my fourth child, a daughter who is 27 months. I met a couple of your friends at Defined Fitness the other day when I was trying to get dressed and trying to calm down my freaked out, I-don't-wanna-stay-in-the-Kids-corner-anymore, daughter! :). I think your friends names were tamara and Kerry. Anyway, they were telling me that you were in China and would be home soon. I have four kiddos, all adopted interntationally, two boys from Vietnam and now two girls from China. The last two kiddos I adopted when they were right around age 2. My kids are 5,4,3, and 2! I would love to meet you sometime when you have settled in at home. If you need anything or have questions, please feel free to contact me!


The Callender Family said...

Great pictures! Ava is truly beautiful. I was so impatient to get home after spring break to read more of your blog.

I think Ava will appreciate everything you can tell her from her first 21 months. My brother only knows that his Indian mother was very young and left him to the care of Sisters in an orphanage. I would have liked to know more about his first few months(and I know he would have loved it too). I am SO happy that Ava has found a wonderful loving family!

Thanks again for sharing with us your first moments with your daughter!



PS: Tell Emma that Emilie is very happy that she is finally a big sister and hopes to see them both soon :) She also loved their Chinese outfits!