Sunday, April 20, 2008

Having Fun with Emma

The two girls are getting along better and better each day. Emma gets frustrated at times because Ava doesn't really know how to play with things yet. We are learning to be patient and trying to teach her how to play. Everything is new to Ava, the wind, grass, toys, the bath tub, shoes, a soft mattress, someone touching her, sounds, language, smells, sights, EVERYTHING! She is on sensory overload right now and she is trying to soak everything in as fast as she can. Her favorite food is a banana. She walks over to the counter and points to them and says, "Nana". She would eat 10 a day if I let her. We have her first appointment with our pediatrician tomorrow morning. I am not looking forward to all the blood work and shots, but it must be done. Scott's lucky he gets to miss all that!
I have to give another shout out to all the folks who have reached out to help us during this crazy time in our lives. Folks have given us gifts, meals, sent emails, flowers and balloons, gift cards, words of support. Even folks we've never met have left us comments of support on this blog. We are so humbled by all of your support, those of you we know and those that we've never even met. We are grateful to you all.


The Callender Family said...

Thanks again for the updates Gene! You know I love them and I am looking forward to them :-).
I see that you had to move some items out of range for your little princess (entertainment system shelves... :-)
It is great to know that the girls are playing together and getting along!!! The weather seems to be nice too!

Paige said...

Emma is the perfect sister for Ava. She is already so good about playing quietly (and at times robustly!)so she will set a good example for Ava. I hope the doctor's appt. went okay this morning! Sure kept all of you close to my heart today.
xo Paige